June 27th, 2014
June 26th, 2014

So here’s a quicky painting I did today, been a while since I let myself loose and painted something randomly like this. Really enjoyed it. I know it’s really rough, but honestly I don’t want to make super polished work all the time and I kinda like the loose feel to this. Soo yeah.
dA link here: http://fav.me/d7noraw
June 21st, 2014
June 20th, 2014

CC4441 / Tomokazu Hayakawa Architects. Japan
June 15th, 2014
April 8th, 2014
April 4th, 2014
April 3rd, 2014

10,000 followers! wow! thanks so much everyone!
so here a new illustration to celebrate that!

hey guys! Steven Universe is back for the new year! Here are some paints I did for this weeks episode, Serious Steven. The continuously awesome Sam Bosma did the temple and strawberry fields layouts and Emily Walus did the rad teacup ride destruction!
January 28th, 2014

Ultra Modern Fireplaces by Elena Colombo
Spending more time and money on our outdoor spaces has been a growing trend for a while now, and fire pits and fireplaces are a huge part of outdoor décor. That being said, the fire-features that are becoming available on the market now are more sleek, modern and luxurious than ever before.
The fire sculptures here from Colombo Construction Corporation are dramatic examples of the future of outdoor accessories. I love the burning steel rocks and balls, and the cantilevered flaming waterfall called ‘Fire Spill’ is stunning. They are made of steel, bronze and stainless steel, and are equipped to burn either propane or natural gas, so they burn cleaner and are more convenient and safer than wood.
January 21st, 2014
January 20th, 2014
January 13th, 2014

This was my piece for Light Grey Art Lab’s show entitled “6 Degrees”. She’s my party pug and her name is Panda. Go check out the work from the other artists and buy some prints! It means a lot to be a part of this show with so many awesome people!
January 12th, 2014

Dutch Paintings Recreated Using Thousands of Photographic and Scientific Specimenscns. Artist Michael Mapes
Photographic prints, insect pins, pinning foam, gelatin capsules, glass vials, painted canvas, cast resin, pill organizer, plastic specimen bags, cotton thread, costume jewelry, sequins. With hundreds of tiny photographic fragments, gelatin capsules, magnifiers, plastic bags and insect pins, New York artist Michael Mapes creates collages that are equal parts portraiture and scientific specimen. For his latest works Mapes used photographs of paintings by Dutch masters Rembrandt, Nicolaes Eliasz Pickenoy and others as inspiration for large scale specimen boxes.

Recycled Paper Sculptures by Janna Syvänoja
Finnish paper artist Janna Syvänoja uses printed paper, maps, catalogues and phone books to create complex sculptures in an array of flowing and graceful designs. Through her work Syvänoja explores the the unique qualities and the potential

A Tornado of Repurposed Wood Sweeps through Art Bogotá
Created by Colombian artist Otoniel Borda Garzón, this towering 40 foot (12 meter) torando of scrap wood was installed last year as a centerpiece at the Bogota International Art Fair.
(Source: f-l-e-u-r-d-e-l-y-s)
December 29th, 2013

SPOTLIGHT: Chasing the Light by Zaria Forman
Chasing the Light is an art expedition led by artist Zaria Forman that draws inspiration from breathtaking geography to create equally striking art.
December 24th, 2013

Cry·ing /ˈkrī-iNG/ - the act is defined as a complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears from the lacrimal apparatus, without any irritation of the ocular structures.
Chicago based Photographer Gracie Hagen is uses her lens to explore the vulnerable side of human emotions in this compelling and intrusive photo series Secretomotor Phenomenon.
“In an age where nudity is less vulnerable than genuine emotions, I wanted to explore an aspect of peoples lives that are hidden. These are the faces of the intentionally vulnerable. They’re showing you a part of themselves that is usually saved for their loved ones or even sometimes, just themselves. You don’t know why they are crying, but you know that this is a rare look into a stranger’s most personal moments. Things that were private, now made public.”
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