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- December 31st, 1969
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Curtain wall / mullion corners in Revit
April 3rd, 2012, 8:51AM
Curtain walls are one of the first major hurdles users face when creating simple projects in Revit Architecture for the first time. An example of one of the problems you could face would be that when you create joining curtain walls through an angle, Revit does not automatically generate the best design option for you. Instead it will give you a default option as seen in the image below.
Curtain wall / mullion corners in Revit
April 3rd, 2012, 8:51AM
Curtain walls are one of the first major hurdles users face when creating simple projects in Revit Architecture for the first time. An example of one of the problems you could face would be that when you create joining curtain walls through an angle, Revit does not automatically generate the best design option for you. Instead it will give you a default option as seen in the image below.