after reading The wind in the willows, by Kenneth Grahame, 1908

October 5th, 2016, 4:59AM

  • (despre oameni si munca lor)

Caci pana la urma cea mai buna parte a unei zile libere este, poate, nu atat sa te odihnesti tu insuti, cat sa-i vezi pe toti ceilalti din jurul tau muncind de zor.

  • (eu cateodata prin prisma regnului animal)

- Hai incoace, batrane Bursuc [...]
Bursucul facu vreo doi pasi; apoi mormai, "Hm! Lume..." si intoarse spatele si disparu.
- Asa e el! [...] Pur si simplu detesta societatea altora

after reading The Castle, by Franz Kafka

January 4th, 2017, 7:30AM

(on frankness)
"You're probably surprised to find us so inhospitable...but hospitality isn't a custom here, and we don't need any visitors."
[...] was glad to hear him speak so frankly

(on thank yous)
'Who are you?' To Whom do I owe thanks for my rest here? 'I am Lasemann. the master tanner'.. and you owe no one any thanks.

after reading The wind in the willows, by Kenneth Grahame, 1908

October 5th, 2016, 4:59AM

  • (despre oameni si munca lor)

Caci pana la urma cea mai buna parte a unei zile libere este, poate, nu atat sa te odihnesti tu insuti, cat sa-i vezi pe toti ceilalti din jurul tau muncind de zor.

  • (eu cateodata prin prisma regnului animal)

- Hai incoace, batrane Bursuc [...]
Bursucul facu vreo doi pasi; apoi mormai, "Hm! Lume..." si intoarse spatele si disparu.
- Asa e el! [...] Pur si simplu detesta societatea altora

after reading The Castle, by Franz Kafka

January 4th, 2017, 7:30AM

(on frankness)
"You're probably surprised to find us so inhospitable...but hospitality isn't a custom here, and we don't need any visitors."
[...] was glad to hear him speak so frankly

(on thank yous)
'Who are you?' To Whom do I owe thanks for my rest here? 'I am Lasemann. the master tanner'.. and you owe no one any thanks.